Please note that during abstract submission you will be requested to upload relevant supporting documentation.

ESTS – Brompton Award –3000 EUR
The Brompton Prize is offered for the best thoracic presentation by an ESTS member, first author at the Brompton Session and comes courtesy of the Trustees of the fund initiated by Professor Peter Goldstraw. It is an annual prize instituted at the 8th European Conference on General Thoracic Surgery held in London November 2000

ESTS-Young Investigator Award – 2000 EUR
To stimulate research/ESTS has instituted a prize for the best presentation on topics of clinical or experimental research in the field of thoracic surgery by an ESTS member below the age of 35. The winner will be asked to give a one minute summary without slides of their study during the award ceremony at the ESTS Party.

ESTS-Grillo Prize –1000 EUR
The prize is offered to the best overall abstract in the sessions “Experimental/Innovative Techniques” and is named after our deceased honorary member Hermes Grillo (Boston). The prize was initially awarded in 2009 by Professor Douglas Mathisen of the Massachusetts General Hospital, a colleague and friend of Professor Hermes Grillo.

ESTS-JACS (Japanese Association of Chest Surgery) Award – 1000 EUR
This prize is offered to the best abstract by an ESTS member from an Asian Institute.

ESTS-SBCT (Brazilian Society of Thoracic Surgery)-1000 EUR
This prize is offered by the Brazilian Society of Thoracic Surgery and is offered to the best abstract by an ESTS member from a Latin American country.

ESTS – DGT Travel Grant 1000 EUR
This grant is offered by the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Thoraxchirurgie (DGT) and was created to support a member of ESTS from a low- to middle-income-country, who is below the age of 40 and is the first author of an abstract.

ESTS-Dutch Society for Lung Surgery Travel Grant -1000 EUR
This grant is offered by the Dutch Society for Lung Surgery and was created to support a young abstract presenter, under the age of 35 (from start of the congress) from a low-middle income country.

ESTS – FSTCVS Travel Grant– 1000 EUR
This grant is offered by the French Society for Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery. It will be offered to the best oral presentation of clinical work by an author below the age of 35 from a low-middle income country.